Well folk's the truth is that sometimes things happen on it's own accord, and thus it was with RSR!
In the beginning we were chatting on the Nordic Instrumental Music board about how to spread the word about our kind of music. The big citys generally have more active clubs because the have more members. The more people the more likely someone likes the same as you - eh?
Outside these Citys people are few with this common intrerest. What to do? Well one idea was to try to organize meeting out in the country - for those living in the area (seems that area can be greater than we thought at first) to visit and thus making new friends and having a ball together! "Get your axes and come here"-type of gathering.
So much said, Göran Adeborn invited people to Ludvika townfestival in june 2009. There we met, many of us for the first time and had three wonderful sunny rocking days playing in the streets of Ludvika, Sweden.
We ended our stay with a concert at the local restaurant "PIREN". The sun was set low and would have grilled us if we had'nt found this rolling stage on wheels. We rolled in position (to give us some shade) and blasted of.
Thus Rolling Stage Rockers came to be!
The continuating mission is still there - to spread the word and sound of twangy guitars to new ages & people and liberate them from ...well whatever muck they are stuck in!
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